Automobile, ferroviaire, médical, audiovisuel, télécoms
Pétrole, gaz, électricité traditionnelle, nucléaire, nouvelles énergies
Aéronautique, spatial, défense et cybersécurité
Médical, pharmaceutique, recherche, chimie et biologie
Conseil, web applicatif, mobile, infrastructures, Devops
Secteurs transverses / Présent en régions
LR Technologies Group, an engineering consulting firm, is a young “galaxy” that was created in 2014. Its animal spirit is the dragonfly. A “libellule” in French, a dragonfly has four wings and is known for its unique, powerful vision, as well as its flight style – a true technical feat. This creature therefore represents speed, agility, precision and balance.
Performance and the fulfilment of the team of “Libellians”, a balance between our employees’ professional and private lives to boost the company’s development as well as everyone’s well-being and success – these are values and goals that constitute this happy start-up’s DNA.
500 employeesLR TECHNOLOGIES Group is an international firm, offering its expertise and know-how throughout its European network to ensure the success of our clients’ transformation and goals.
2021 2022